In our Biarro, there is a man who sells eggs.
He drives around in his car that has a BIG OLLLLL megaphone on the top that yells for EVERYONE TO HEAR, "30 OVOS PARA 10 REALLLSLSSSSSS"
that´s like 4 bucks for 30 eggs!
I wanna get on that deal SO bad, but every time he drives -__-
oh well...
This week was good.
We started out with MLC Monday and Tuesday.
It was awesome. President is just a big kid.
You´ll see the pictures when I get home.
The training was awsome, I am DEFINITELY a better missionary because of it.
He also always gives us candy.
Wednesday we were back in our own area.
We had an awesome family night with a Less active family and then made a pizza burrito for lunch :) #SpanishComp
Thursday was also good. WE had ANOTHER family night with a family of Gators and some members, Churrasco and Pancakes (the brazillian kind) so good.
Friday we had a Zone meeting with president, and Interviews.
AHhhhh soooooocoooooooooollllllll.....
and then after ALL THAT, we had our Zone training meeting.
freaking, it was a LONG day.
but it was awesome.
Saturady was a bust...we´ll just leave it at that :)
Annndd finally Sunday. SUPER good. We gave talks about missionary work...which I SUPER don´t like to do...because I´m already a missionary...but whatevs. I talked about missionary work. We have this SUEPR cool thing we´re giving to the members to help them get pumped up to do their part, and so far it´s going pretty good. :)
There´s also a family in the ward for the next 3 months, from THE USA!!!!! I tried speaking english, but I seriously sounded like an Idiot...I could hear all the mistakes I was making but I couldn´t do anything about it!!!
It should be interesting coming home :)
Lunch on Sunday was amazing. we ate lunch all normal, rice, meat, tomatoes, all that good stuff...but dessert....dessert was THE BEST..
Strawberries, watermellon, mango, pineapple, banana, apple..
I ate a TON, maybe a little too much, but seriously, NOTHING beats delicious fruits on a hot humid day :)
After we went to visit a Less active family and they....also gave us food....bolinha de chuva. I will make it when I get home. stinkin de-lish. Super simple, but I love it!
anyyyywayyyy..last night we traveled to Guaratuba, and we´ll be here until wednesday for Divisions and then travel to Itají for a combined Zone Conference!
aparantly this week is Thanksgiving... sooo HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
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